Interview with energetic bass music producer Tisoki

Bradley Edwards, also known as bass-heavy music producer Tisoki, has unveiled his latest single ‘Rolls Royce’ via Monstercat. The single is packed with various bass elements that Tisoki has crafted into his unique brand of alternative bass music. Added into the mix is renowned alternative pop singer Grabbitz, who adds a lighter energy to this track with refined & honeyed baritone vocal notes throughout. Tisoki’s music production has earned him endorsements from the likes of Skrillex & DJ Snake.

We found out more about Tisoki‘s inspirations and motivations for his sound below.  

Looking back, what were some of your earliest entries into music appreciation? And music production?

I always loved Green Day when I was a kid,  which led into me wanting to be in a band. As I got older, I started to listen to heavier music (early Bring Me The Horizon, Slipknot etc.) and fully immersed myself in that world. Fast forward a few years and I joined a couple of bands which then led me to discover artists like Enter Shikari who were using synthesisers alongside heavy band songs. I think the natural progression with technology lead me towards making electronic music, I still love those heavy bands though haha.

Take us through your list of dream software/gear you would like to get?

I really wanna get a pair of ATC monitors, the big ones you can mount in the wall but my current space is too small for them at the moment.

What do you need with you when you sit down to write or produce?

Ideally a candle and a glass of water or some coffee. When music is the only thing you really do, you gotta find the little things that encourage concentration, and I think over the years just being alone and focused really helps.

What other artistic revenues do you pursue?

It’s all centric around music in general, producing for my project, touring (when shows come back), producing for other people, helping others write music etc etc. Nothing outside of that world really interests me, to be honest so I just stick to what I know best

Studio work and music creation or performing and interacting with a live audience, what do you prefer?

Studio work – 100%. Don’t get me wrong, performing is cool and fun, but to really delve deep into creativity and make something essentially from scratch is a feeling nothing much else compares to.

What has been the most memorable moment of your career so far?

I think playing at Coachella. It wasn’t like the main stage or anything, but I did both weekends in 2019. And as someone from the UK, it’s always been viewed as the holy grail of festivals so that was pretty cool.

Name 3 artists you would love to collaborate with in the future

Oh man, so many. I think realistically though – Octavian, he’s a super talented UK vocalist and has some of the best songs out there. Also, this band called Jynx who are out of New York who merge hip hop with metal and James Blake just because it’s James fuckin Blake.

Do you think music should provide social commentary and reflect the current world?

I think it’s good to push if it’s a cause you 100% believe in and portray through your art, where it gets messy is when someone doesn’t fully believe in the thing they’re commentating on. Doing it for a bandwagon effect always just leads to emptiness. Music wouldn’t be where it is today with people standing up for what they believe in, so I think to some degree it’s needed. It’s art, art is expressive + you should be able to express yourself however.

What can we expect from you in the near future? Any upcoming projects or gigs in the pipeline that you would like to tell us about?

My debut album is out soon, super excited about that, got a few remixes + collaborations to pad the time around it as well. Also, hoping to get back to touring soon so fingers crossed on that.

One last thought to leave your fans with?

Be nice to people!

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