Music producer Verasect releases latest remix EP and one song already shines out

Electronic producer Verasect has released an ‘Awakenings’ EP Terminal Blue Records which features the tracks from his previous EP, ‘Sleep Stories’ remixed via various artists. These artists include Kareful, Dobie, Blood Wolf and the late Øfdream. You can read our previous feature on the Catch Your Breath (Dobie Remix) here.

So far, the ‘Tragedy’ remix from Kareful has done very well, receiving a fair amount  of recognition. However, by far the most popular of the remixes is the final one of the EP, ‘Catch Your Breath (Øfdream Remix)’. One can quickly see why as they sit down to listen to it, with the simplicity of the synth-wave driven track.

The remix received a strong start, pairing the notorious Øfdream’s work with a premier from Youtube channel the_accidental_poet. However, these two elements cannot be contributed as the sole reason for the track hitting over 67 thousand plays on Soundcloud.  We see a synth-wave track paired with a thrumming bassline which comes together to create the epitome of what electronic music aims for today.

“Verasect is an amalgam of a handful of darker genres of music that I love. It dances between them from song to song but never fully commits to any single direction. Awakenings was envisioned as a way to explore those paths in-depth with the masters of those genres. Dobie providing an ethereal trip-hop rendition, Bloodwolf an aggressive witch house punch, and Kareful and the late Ofdream crafting dreamy synth-laden wave tracks.” – Verasect comments on the amalgamation of music genres seen within the EP.

However, as they say, music is subjective. What is your favourite remix of the EP? Take a listen below to make your own decision.

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